Final and Lottery Results of Library Search Talent Contest (Open Data)
Peking University Library's Third Search Talent Contest - Final and Lottery Results of "Open Data"
In order to make the teachers and students know more about open data resources, improve the practical skills of searching and using open data, stimulate innovation and promote interdisciplinary cooperation, the library takes "Open Data" as the new theme and held the third search Talent Contest ("open data") between Nov. 7 and Dec. 16.
The search talent contest consists of three processes including the pre-contest training, network preliminaries contest and the final contest. Before the contest, the library prepared and conducted two training courses to introduce the latest trends and practical skills in the fields of open data, research data management and sharing. The first round of contest drawn the teachers and students’ attention greatly and more than 300 people including graduate students, undergraduates and teachers participate in the preliminary contest through the library information literacy ability evaluation platform. On the afternoon of December 16, eighteen students standing out from the preliminary contest participate the final contest. These students were divided into six teams randomly and a wonderful PK was presented among them. The contest invited Ren Liying who is an associate researcher in Institute of Social Science Survey Center, Xu Jianhua who is an associate professor in College of Environmental Science and Engineering and Huang Zhou who is an associate professor in School of Earth and Space Sciences as the experts and examiners to set three questions which are related to the open social science data, open environmental pollution data, open geographic data respectively. Each of the six teams presented excellent quality in analyzing question, locating data sources, collecting and analyzing data, presenting and demonstrating academic ideas as well as good teamwork. After fierce competition, the team consist of Mao Lu, Meng Xiangxi, Li Yi won the first prize. Experts also given their review and comments on the contest.
The winners are following:
First Prize:
Group 4:
MAO Lu (College of Environmental Science and Engineering)
Meng Xiangxi (College of Engineering)
Li Yi (School of the Arts)
Second prize:
Group 1:
Chen Zhengchao (School of Public Health)
Motor (School of Physics)
Liu Shiran (School of Earth and Space Sciences)
Group 6:
Liu Yi (School of Earth and Space Sciences)
Wang Fengbin (School of Public Health)
Marquis (School of Physics)
Third Prize:
Group 2:
Huang Huayang (School of Physics)
Sun Weihan (Department of History)
Hou Juntao (School of Earth and Space Sciences)
Group 3:
Wang Muzhi (School of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences)
Ma Rui (Department of Medical Education)
Hu Yan (School of Earth and Space Sciences)
Group 5:
SHAO Chen-Di (School of Physics)
Li Chenyang (School of Basic Medical Sciences)
Zhang Yuan (Institute of Population Research)
In addition, the eighteen participates drawn a lottery on 100 memorial award of the Search Talent Contest (see appendix). The list of winners was published on the library home page and BBS. Meanwhile notify in the form of telephone messages was sent to students. Please take your campus card and go and get the memorial award at the reference desk in the sunshine hall of library after you seeing the list or notice. The due date is January 13, 2017.
Peking University Library
Dec. 20, 2016