1. Collection types and distribution
3) Renewal
4) List and reading guidance of new books
5) Loan services of Health Science Library, Branch Libraries, and Depository Library
1. Collection types and distribution

Since rare books, special collections, journals, theses & dissertations are confined to in-library use only, this table briefly introduces methods for searching, seeking, and borrowing books that are available for checking out (including some eBooks).
1) Quick Search
Users can find the "Catalogs" search box (marked by red circle) on the library homepage, enter search terms (such as book name, author, topic etc.) and click "Search" to start the search.

2) Advance Search
You can click on "dvance search" for further information if there are too many results after the "Quick search". The Advance Search interface is as follows (marked by red circle). It has complex functions such a "Boolean Query", and you can also search by subseries and titles.

3) PKU Summon Discovery
PKU Summon Discovery is a scholarly discovery system based on massive metadata, aiming to provide one-stop searching service. Users can find all books and newspapers, foreign e-journals, Chinese e-journals, theses & dissertations, media resources and other resources online by inputting keywords into the searching box (marked by red circle) and start your search.

1) The search results page will show the location of collections (marked by red circle). If the "collection location" of items you need is not the Central Library(北大中心馆), the loan rules will be different. Please reference to "Health Science Library, Faculty branch libraries, Changping Depository Library Loan rules" for more specific rules. You can also find the location according to the call number (marked by red circle).

2) Bibliographic records will show more details about the item. “nocirc” (marked by red circle) means that this item is not available for checking out. If there is a specified date after “Due” (marked by red circle), the item is already checked out.
3) If you need to borrow items in closed-shelves, please write a request list (detailed in serial number, book title, author and your name, University ID card number) and give it to librarians at the General Reference Desk. For items in opened-shelves, you can borrow it directly at self-charging terminals.
Course reserved books can be checked out for two hours and users can borrow it by self-charging terminals.
The entrance for E-Reserves (marked by red circle) is showed in the following picture.
(1)Make a reservation request in bibliographic records (shown as follows).
(2)Enter the “Place Hold” page, then click on “Place Hold” button (marked by red circle).
(3)Click "OK" (marked by red circle) to confirm the reservation.
(4)Users can check whether the reserved items are available or not in their library accounts.
(1)Log in your account, then click "renewal" (marked by red circle).
(2)Renew the book you want on the "renewal" page.
(3) If the "Borrow Status" in your account shows the due date, it means the renewal is successful. The new loan period starts right away, and will be extended by one month (not including vacations and holidays).
4) List of new books and reading guidance
You can find the new books in “Weekly New Books” under the “Recommended Reading” column,and the entrance is as follows.
5) Loan service of Health Science Library, Branch Libraries and Depository Library
(1)Health Science Library
Health Science Library is located in Health Science Center, which holds collection on biology, medicine, hygiene and pharmacy. The central library users and Health Science Library users can borrow books from either of the two libraries, and return books to either library.
(2)Branch libraries
There are other 38 branch libraries, which are an important part of the PKU Central Library and work in collaboration with the main library to share information and serve their users. In each library, readers can borrow literature, copy, deliver, refer to any subject and consult librarians. It should be noticed that some branch libraries’ collections are for internal use only.
(3)Changping Depository Library
Check the item’s location in the library catalog (http://www.lib.pku.edu.cn/portal/), if it located in "Changping Depository Library"(昌平储存馆), you can make a reservation online by click "Place Hold" on the left of the webpage. Enter your University ID Card number and password to complete the delivery request form. (You can also fill the request form at the General Reference Desk in Sunny Lobby). Library shuttle runs twice a week to pick up requested items from the Depository Library.
For specific library services of each branch, please refer to the "Branches" column(marked by red circle) on library homepage.
Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services provide an access to use materials which are held by other libraries and are available to all registered users from PKU library and other libraries. For more information, see "Interlibrary Loan" column (marked by red circle) in the library homepage.