
The Song and Yuan block-printed editions have high cultural and documentary value due to their distant publication year, rare survival, and resemblance to the ancient manuscripts. Peking University Library has collected more than 300 titles of Song and Yuan Dynasty block-printed books, which have been preserved in an orderly manner. Most of them have annotations, prefaces, postscripts and official seals from famous scholars, and they are the essential collections of the rare books in the library. From the perspective of carving regions and craftsmanship, it encompasses multiple regions such as Zhejiang Province and Fujian Province, and has a rich variety of craft categories. Many of these documents, such as the engraved version of "Spring and Autumn Annals" printed in the fourth year of the Qiandao reign of the Song Dynasty (1168), and the ancient hall engraved version of "Mr. Sus' Collected Works of Chongguang Meishan" printed in the thirtieth year of the Shaoxing reign of the Song Dynasty (1160), have been extremely rare for collection.

Figure 1:  Spring and Autumn Annals, Volume 30 (Written by Hu Anguo in the Song Dynasty)

Printed in the fourth year of the Qiandao reign in Song Dynasty (1168), revised by Huang Rujia and engraved in the fifth year of the Qingyuan reign (1199)