Check out our new website for SJC branch library!The brand new homepage for the SJC (新闻与传播学院) Branch Library is online from no...2018-11-08
Happy 120th birthday to our Library!Six score years have flown by, without a moment to linger. Out of the cru...2018-10-25
The 1/30 of the Library’s HistoryPeking University, Oct. 24, 2018: Any serious reader of Jorge Luis Borges wou...2018-10-25
PKU Library celebrates her 120th anniversaryPeking University, Oct. 24, 2018: On October 24, PKU Library holds the op...2018-10-25
Quick Facts | What Are PKU Students Reading?2018-07-06
PKU Library Held an Exhibition of Chinese Rare Books on May 4th图书馆于5月4日,即北京大学120周年校庆当天,在古籍分馆一层东厅与地下二层展厅举办了“翰苑撷珍”北京大学图书馆珍藏古文献展,以此形式向支持图书馆古籍业务的各界...2018-06-08
3rd Peking University Digital Humanities Forum第三届北京大学数字人文论坛 孵化与实践:需求驱动下的数字人文项目 日程安排 会议时间:2018年6月14日 主会场/分会场...2018-06-07