
Categories of Revolutionary Document holdings at PKU Library:

1. Enlightening publications since the Revolution of 1911 and the May Fourth Movement.

2. Pioneering translations of Marxist works and introductive publications.

3. Revolutionary Documents related to Peking University and/or Li Dazhao.

4. Documents published by or related to the Communist Party of China, from the founding of the CPC to the Anti-Japanese War.

5. Documents published by or related to the CPC during the Anti-Japanese War.

6. Documents published by or related to the CPC, since the victory of the Anti-Japanese War to the founding of People's Republic of China.

Access: Partially open-shelved. Not for circulation/loan. Partially granted for duplication.

Location: Dazhao Reading Room, 4/F, North Wing, East Building.

Hours: 8:00am – 10:00pm, Mon- – Sunday.

Xuexi Collections

(i) Xi Jinping on Governance of China (in varied languages).

(ii) Selected Works of Xi Jinping.

(iii) Questions and Answers on the Study of Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

(iv) The Communist Party of China: A Concise History.

(v) Works of Li Dazhao, Mao Zedong.

(vi) Large series book collections, such as Revitalization Library, Marxist Canon, Red Canon: Magazines for Enlightening Thoughts, etc.


Access: Open-shelved. Not for circulation/loan. Partially granted for duplication.

Location: Dazhao Reading Room, 4/F, North Wing, East Building.

Hours: 8:00am – 10:00pm, Mon- – Sunday.

Indoor Exhibitions

An archival exhibition of Li Dazhao is open inside Dazhao Reading Room for good. It shows Li Dazhao’s publications and manuscripts on introducing Marx-Leninism, the founding of the CPC, as well as the notices and donations during his occupation at PKU Library.


Access: Open to visits. Tour guides available by appointment. Online access at https://www.lib.pku.edu.cn/portal/cn/node/5877

Location: Dazhao Reading Room, 4/F, North Wing, East Building.

Hours: 8:00am – 10:00pm, Mon- – Sunday.