Volunteer Program
The Peking University Library Volunteer Program has been officially launched since September 2020. It provides various volunteer positions and a good working environment so that students could have a great volunteering experience.

The Peking University Library Volunteer Program has been officially launched since September 2020. It provides various volunteer positions and a good working environment so that students could have a great volunteering experience.

Volunteers are integral parts of the library's operations. Throughout 2021, 1442 students from over 20 departments including the Health Science Center have participated in the program and the total length of volunteer service time exceeded 15,713 hours. In the school year of 2019-2020, the library’s volunteer team was awarded as " Excellent Youth Volunteer Team of Peking University".


Permanent Positions:

There are 6 major categories of more than 15 permanent volunteer positions. The tasks cover most of the library service, such as shelving, interlibrary loan, exhibition guidance, graphic design, etc. The volunteering work of permanent positions is carried out in 3 weeks per period, and a total of 5-6 periods per semester.

Special Positions:

We will also set temporary positions during some special periods like the enrollment and commencement season. The tasks include event planning,questionnaire design, lecture assistance, etc.


Figure 1 Register new books

Join Us

The recruitment information will be released on the WeChat account of Peking University Library on a regular basis. You are warmly welcome to join our library volunteer team!


Figure 2 Scan the QR code and follow the Wechat account of Peking University Library


User Relations Office (Room D109)

Tel: 010-62757223

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