Database Introduction

1. The Yenching University Dissertation Collection mainly contains bachelor and master dissertations from the former Yenching University, including a small number of graduate theses and theses from other universities, with a total number of more than 2600 volumes (including duplicates). The collections are preserved by digital scan of the original manuscripts.


2. The authors of the collection are many contemporary famous scholars, such as Ch'i Szu Ho, Hou Jen Chih, Chou Yi Liang, Kao Ming K'ai, Chao Li Hai, Chang Wen Yu, etc., which makes the collection rather precious.


3. The dissertations in the collection are not limited to Chinese (Traditional Chinese); there are also English, French, German, and other languages. The title of the dissertation may not always have the corresponding Chinese translation, please consider using the appropriate language when retrieving.


4. If the thesis was written in Chinese, please search in Traditional Chinese; if the thesis was written in English and the author is Chinese, please use Hanyu Pinyin or Wade-Giles Pinyin when retrieving the author's name.


5. In order to preserve the original manuscripts of the theses, the collections are only available for digital reading, not for paper reading. Thank you for your understanding.


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